So you’re going to be a mama!! So exciting!! The time of pregnancy is so wonderfully filled with emotions of happiness and anticipation, but it can be intimidating and overwhelming at the same time. There are so many decisions to make and so much to learn! When was going through the delightful months of pregnancy I felt like the questions were never ending and I just wanted to talk to everyone about what was happening in my body. Once the nesting period begins (a time when parents get organized and ready for baby’s arrival) you start to panic a little, especially with your first born. There are the big items, like crib, car seat, stroller, change table, etc. But then there are all the small things that a new momma needs to have ready for the big day and the following weeks.

Here is my list of baby must haves for the first few weeks with your newborn.

Mama’s comfort:

Breastfeeding pillow

Breastfeeding tops and nighty for you

For cracked/sore nipples – Lansinoh (available in most drug stores and Toys r us)

Mama’s Nourishment:

Herbal Dispensary on Dundas W/Roncesville:

–    Zits bath – for post recovery

–    Herbal mixture to produce breast milk

Meal delivery service:

Some healthy restaurants are now offering delivery service in the GTA area via



I have never felt as hungry as I did the first few weeks post partum!! Stock up on nourishing fats, quality proteins and mineral rich foods. Your body is still working hard to heal and nourish your baby so give it some extra love.

Smoothie stuff – protein, frozen berries, greens, babanas

Nut butters

Gluten-free breads (keep some in freezer too)

Trail mixes, Soups, Stews

Prenatal vitamins

Fish oil


Sweet Baby:

Change pad + sheets, for table and 1 portable

Diapers + wipes – earth’s best

Sound machine


Bath – summer’s infant + hooded towel + wash cloths + dr. brommers soap + bath oil

Crib sheets, bassinet sheets

Onesies, hats, swaddles


Other Essentials:

Laundry Detergent for baby – look for unscented and hypoallergenic infant friendly brands that are free of harmful chemicals and safe for infant’s clothes. I like Nature Clean powder detergent.

Diaper bag

Breast pump, Glass bottles + cleaning brush

Formula for back-up. Breast milk is ideal but life isn’t perfect. Many mothers and babies experience difficulties in the beginning so it’s good to have a plan B. I would recommend Genestra dairy formula.