Annaliisa's Organic Kitchen
As a nutritionist I have learned many tips and trick to stay healthy that I share with my clients,  family and friends. I have compiled my top 20 favourites to share with you as well! Every decision that we make towards our health has an impact. It’s up to you whether that choice is towards health or towards dis-ease.

These tips are easy enough to implement into your daily life and I hope you do!

  1. Don’t eat on the run or in front of the TV. Allow for a peaceful setting, have gratitude for every meal. This helps with your digestion and eating mindfully stops you from overeating when you’re full.
  2. Keep healthy snacks with you at all times.
  3. Eat snacks regularly between meals to avoid a drop in blood glucose levels. Eating big chunks of hard vegetables like celery, bell peppers and asparagus is especially helpful. These “hard chews” stimulate the pituitary gland and gets blood sugar hormones produced at a steady rate.
  4. Chew food slowly and well. Your stomach doesn’t have teeth.
  5. When feeling like you may purge: drink a big glass of water and grab a healthy light snack like grapefruit, carrots, cucumber etc. Remove yourself from the environment and go for a walk or work on a hobby.
  6.  Drink water with lemon juice or 2 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar ½ hr before meal – it helps to stimulates bile flow to break down fats.
  7. Drink warm water with lemon first thing in the morning to hydrate, cleanse and alkalanize.
  8. Water that is room temperature will absorb quickly and also helps to maintain optimal stomach acid levels.
  9. Try not to drink during meals- it disrupts digestion.
  10. Drink coffee before a meal, not during or right after. Coffee causes malabsorption of nutrients.
  11. Sometimes we mistake the feeling of thirst for hunger. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!
  12. When eating a meal, try to eat carbohydrates first, protein second for enhanced digestion.
  13. Always have protein shake ingredients handy – quality protein powder or hemp seeds, fresh/frozen fruit, unsweetened almond, coconut, or hemp milk, chia or flaxseeds, and some greens. 
  14. When making salads or meals, make big portions and keep extras in fridge or freezer.
  15. Always read ingredient lists of packaged foods. Be on the look out for hidden sugar sources (ex. High-fructose corn syrup etc.), additives, colourings and unhealthy trans fats.
  16. Practice self control – wait 15-20 min. before helping yourself to seconds – your hunger will decrease.
  17. Eat biggest meals during the day, small meals at night,avoid eating a few hours before bed.
  18. Follow the 80/20 rule. If you eat healthy 80 percent of the time you can allow yourself to indulge on your favourite snacks or foods (within reason) once a week without guilt or self-judgement. Try to make your favourite snacks in a healthy version with low glycemic sugars such as stevia or coconut syrup, healthier fats like coconut oil, and gluten-free flours.
  19. If you blow your healthy eating plan, go right back to your plan, and don’t make an excuse to over indulge or give up!
  20. Out of sight, out of mind! If you have any unhealthy snacks staring back at you on the kitchen table or fridge, you are more likely to indulge. Hide them from sight or better yet, don’t buy them!!

I hope you have enjoyed these nutritious eating tips for everyday healthy! If you have any tips or tricks  to add, I would love to read them!