She believed she could so she did quote

Hey there health seeker,

When there is a will there is a way. I love that expression. When we are faced with a difficult challenge, we are often left to the mercy of our ego to take the next steps. The problem is, the ego is usually that little devil on your shoulder that creates fear and self doubt.

We all have that nagging voice in our heads that plays that old record over and over again. You are not enough. You don’t deserve to be healthy. You’ll never get there, there is too much work to be done. You are fat and that’s all you’ll ever be. Sound familiar? Often it’s these really limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in a rut. And for some reason we are conditioned to hold on to the negative voices, but not the positive ones. It’s almost like there is a stigma attached to saying something positive about yourself or taking compliments. Like I am beautiful. I am complete, etc. Coincided, right? It makes us feel uncomfortable, like we’re boasting. Yet it’s so easy to say I suck, I’m not good enough, I’m not capable, blah, blah, blah…

Wouldn’t it be great if someone just hijacked your brain and replaced the negative with sweet loving encouraging thought patterns? Well, my friend, you are the only one who has the power to hijack your brain and start to believe in yourself again.

“Believe you can and you are half way there”, said Theodore Roosevelt.

Believe you can and you are halfway there. Roosevelt quote

How many times have you tried to change your habits, let go of emotional eating and adapt to a healthier lifestyle? And how many times have you sabotaged these efforts by your limiting thoughts? It is my core belief that every single person has the ability to feel amazing, have a healthy loving relationship with food and reach their health goals. Whether it is to feel lighter and energetic, joyful, or just be comfortable in your own body.

Think about it. If you are constantly telling yourself, I am not good enough, I can’t do it, it’s not attainable, I’m not worthy, I can’t lose weight, I’m in pain and I can’t change it…. That is exactly what you are manifesting. Your body is always listening, and becoming exactly what you are telling yourself you are.. It’s been estimated that we have around 60,000 thoughts in a day. Wouldn’t it be nice if the majority of the thoughts were positive, self loving and encouraging?

To release these limiting beliefs will also release the excess weight that you are holding on to.

Here is the first step; acknowledge the blocks and your limiting beliefs.
What are those voices, or your ego, telling you that’s stopping you from reaching your health goals?

For example: ” I have always been this way and there is no hope for me”.
Now, what if you changed that limiting belief right around: “Every single moment is a new beginning. I am in charge of my health and I choose to nourish my body in this moment.”

Ahh.. doesn’t that feel so much better? Now imagine how your mind and body will start to thrive, awaken and energize each time you give yourself that opportunity to feel good? What would that feel like in your body?

This is what’s missing in every weight loss program. This is the crucial first step toward health. Removing those limiting thought patterns so that you are able to start fresh and be in a positive mind. In a positive mind set we are able to learn and rewire our brain to make healthy eating habits a part of our lifestyle. As part of my online Non-Diet Weight Loss program, I guide you through a step by step action plan to start to dissolve this huge obstacle that may be hindering your health goals. This allows us to create space in our mind and body for new positive lifestyle changes.

Let go of what is no longer serving you. Give yourself permission to more toward health. You deserve to me healthy and vibrant.Become aware of that nagging voice in your head, and change the song to I can, and I will.

Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right. Henry Ford quote

To help you reach your weight loss and health goals, I have designed a totally achievable and practical road map. Getting to the root cause of the underlying health issues, addressing the limiting factors and obstacles and a tangible plan that includes shopping lists, meal plans, one on one coaching, motivational tools, and education will finally help you reach your health goals and make sustainable lifestyle changes.

Join us on March 31 ~ get the full program details here!

With love,


Online Non-Diet Weight Loss program