Today I would like to share with you some super neat tips and tricks that can dramatically effect your weight loss efforts. I have SO many more tips  and I will share some more on upcoming posts!


My goal with clients is to introduce simple daily healthy habits, subtle shifts in how and what they eat, so they can start to see an overall increase in health and energy levels. From a holistic perspective, extra weight is a way of your body communicating that something is out of balance and further steps should be taken to get to the root cause of the underlying issue.

Below you will find some of the lifestyle changes I implement with my clients who are on the road to weight loss and need that extra boost. ENJOY!!

10 Simple Everyday Changes That Can Dramatically Increase Natural Weight Loss:

1. Don’t eat on the run or in front of the TV  On average, you will consume 28% more food while eating in front of a computer or TV. Allow for a peaceful setting and have gratitude for every meal. This helps with your digestion and eating mindfully stops you from overeating when you’re full. Chew food slowly and well. Your stomach doesn’t have teeth!

2. Use a smaller plate. LARGER PLATE = LARGER MEAL. Using a bigger plate to serve a meal typically results in a 25% increase in the amount of food.

3. Be careful with FAT FREE products. Studies show that people given low-fat ate 35% more than people who thought they were eating regular versions of the same food. Foods marketed as low-fat also contain more sugar and unhealthy additives.Our bodies require healthy fats, like avocado and chia seeds, to absorb nutrients, boost metabolism and make healthy happy cells.

4. Hide the temptation. Out of sight, out of mind. When unhealthy food is not in reach, you will eat 3 times FEWER servings per day! (Better yet, don’t bring it in the house!)

5. Avoid the blood sugar crash.  A drop in blood glucose levels will increase cravings and fat storage. Eat 3 meals a day and 1-2 snacks between meals to avoid a drop in blood glucose levels. Eating big chunks of hard vegetables like celery, bell peppers and asparagus is especially helpful. These “hard chews” stimulate the pituitary gland and gets blood sugar hormones produced at a steady rate. Make sure to include protein and fibre to every meal and snack to stabilize blood sugar levels.

6. Don’t skip meals. In a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, women who skipped meals lost about 8 fewer pounds than those who had more regular meal patterns. Skipping meals once in a while may be understandable, but not as a habit. Over time, skipping meals habitually could make your metabolism slower, affecting the hormone leptin and thyroid hormones.

7. Water + Lemon before your meal.  Drink 1 cup of water with lemon juice or 2 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar ½ hour before meal – it helps to stimulates bile flow to break down fats. As an added bonus, apple cider vinegar will also curb your appetite! Avoid drinking large amounts of liquids during your meal to increase digestion.

8. Slow it down honey. Wait 15-20 min. before helping yourself to seconds – your hunger will decrease as the hormone leptin kicks in and tells your brain you are full! Putting down your fork in between bites will help to slow down eating patterns.

9. Never skip breakfast. Breakfast wakes up your metabolism and decreases your chances of overeating later in the day. We tend to need less calories in the evening so eat biggest meals during the day, small meals at night, avoid eating a few hours before bed.

10. Follow the 80/20 rule. It’s not about perfection, it’s about making daily progress and increasing healthy habits. If you eat healthy 80 percent of the time you can allow yourself to indulge on your favourite foods (within reason) without guilt or self-judgement. (This equals to roughly 3 meals per week)

And always remember …

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PS. Need a meal plan and shopping list that helps you combat stress, release toxins and lose weight without dieting? Get your free 7 day meal plan here!