Today I want to share another success story with you because;
A. I know you love cheering other women on as much as me, and
B. It’s helpful to know that other women struggle with many of the same issues
C. It’s helps us envision better health for ourselves!
Today’s case study is all about overcoming chronic exhaustion, blood sugar issues, inability to lose weight, and perimenopausal changes.
In her own words, Nicole reached out to me because:
” I had blood tests that indicated my blood sugars were heading in the wrong direction and I had gained weight on parts of my body like never before. I was also struggling with digestion, cravings and feeling overwhelmed with you what foods I should and shouldn’t eat at this stage of my life (perimenopause). I was feeling like my body and hormones were out of control.”
What we did:
Step 1 – With Nicole we started out supporting her nervous system and and adrenal health because as a professional woman, she had been under pressure and chronic stress for many years. Because her diet was already fairly healthy, we worked on her blood sugar, added in strategic adrenal support, and got her started with some rituals to relieve stress. This helped her sleep more deeply, diminish her cravings, and bring her insulin levels back to normal.
Step 2 – As her nervous system was starting to improve, we worked on optimizing her deep sleep and worked alongside her Naturopathic Doctor to support optimal progesterone levels to improve her perimenopausal symptoms like waking up in the middle of the night and experiencing some hot flashes. We also worked on optimizing her thyroid health to improve her energy, metabolism, and mood.
Step 3 – To further help Nicole with her energy, digestion, hormone and weight goals, we introduced a protocol tailored to her to reduce her inflammation levels, improve liver function, and optimize her gut microbiome.
Step 4 – As Nicole gained confidence and energy, we worked on building more practical habits like planning ahead on her busy work schedule, how to adjust her supplementation according to different seasons and symptoms, and how to optimize her workout schedule to meet her hormone & body composition needs.
Here are the results that Nicole experienced after working with me in the Fatigued to Fabulous Program for 4 months:
“After working with Annaliisa I had way better sleeps (which was a big challenge for me), less cravings, finally lost weight and my blood work came back normal!! I also gained confidence in food choices and relationship with food. The most valuable thing about the program was ahow well it all worked together. I have a plan to follow and food guidelines that work within my lifestyle. Annaliisa is a very knowledgeable nutritionist and great value for all the information, recipes and support you receive. Trust the process!!” Nicole Parr
As a nutritionist and wellness coach, I’m honoured to help women unleash their true potential and be a mentor and guide along the way. If you are ready to take the next steps in your health, you are coachable, and build lifelong skills to transform your health, I’m here to support you.
In health,