Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture


If you’re seeking a natural way to rejuvenate your skin and improve your overall well-being, allow me to introduce you to Mei Zen, a facial cosmetic acupuncture system rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This gentle treatment uses fine needles to boost Qi (energy) and improve circulation to your face, yielding both cosmetic and health benefits.

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture:

  • Softer, more vibrant skin
  • Reduced fine lines and improved skin tone
  • Minimized appearance of deeper wrinkles and jowls
  • Reduced wrinkles on the décolleté and cheeks
  • Diminished age spots
  • Can help with acne, rosacea, Bell’s palsy, and post-stroke effects

If you want to try a holistic approach to skincare that enhances your natural beauty and supports your overall health, Mei Zen could be your perfect solution.


Common Questions About Cosmetic Acupuncture: 

Q. How many treatments do I need to see results? 

A. The Mei Zen protocol is 2 treatments per week for 5 weeks. You will notice immediate benefit from acupuncture to relax the mind and improve energy flow. With each treatment we work on bringing more blood flow & Qi to the facial area as well as increasing the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to a reduction in fine lines over time.


Q. How does cosmetic acupuncture differ from Botox?

A. Cosmetic acupuncture is a holistic approach without negative side effects. Nothing is injected into your skin other than tiny stainless steel acupuncture needles. There is no muscle atrophy or risk of nerve damage. This approach is more subtle, long lasting, and benefits your overall longevity. If you are looking for drastic & immediate results, cosmetic acupuncture is not the recommended treatment for you.


Q. Are acupuncture treatments painful? 

A. It’s a common question, and the short answer is: no, acupuncture typically doesn’t hurt. Here’s why:

  • Very Thin Needles: Acupuncture needles are extremely thin, much thinner than the needles used for injections or blood draws. In fact, they’re about the width of a human hair.
  • Shallow Insertion: The needles are inserted shallowly into the skin, just enough to stimulate the acupuncture points, collagen, and elastin.
  • Skillful Practitioners: When performed by a skillful and experienced acupuncturist, the process is gentle and precise. Most people feel minimal to no discomfort. Some may feel a slight pinch or tingling sensation, but it is usually very brief.

Acupuncture is designed to be a relaxing and therapeutic experience. Many patients find the sessions to be so calming that they even fall asleep during treatment. If you have any concerns about the needles or the process, your acupuncturist will be happy to address them and ensure your comfort.


Q. Are there any skincare products used on the face? 

A. Yes. I use all natural products with my patients – including a toner and hyarlonic acid anti-aging or brightening serums to enhance the results and leave you feeling positively glowing after your treatment.


Q. How long do the treatments last? Will I need maintenance? 

A. It is generally recommended to do a monthly maintenance to continue to see progress and maintain your healthy glow starting around 2-3 months after your initial protocol.


Q. Are there any contraindications to cosmetic acupuncture? 

A. If you are currently on blood thinning medications, pregnant, in very poor health, have unmanaged high blood pressure, or have received Botox within the last 3-6 months, this is not the treatment recommended for you. A more traditional acupuncture treatment session would be a better option to start with.


Book your appointment today to experience the rejuvenating power of cosmetic acupuncture. Currently I am taking patients in the South Surrey and White Rock area, as well as the Delta/Surrey area. Please choose a location below and I look forward to helping you reach your natural skin care goals!